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This game's a sequel to the PS3 game "Fat Princess" and it's for the PSP. Like its prequel, "Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake" is about running across the field, sword and shield (or bow or staff or hammer) in hand, killing your enemies and rescuing the princess and heading back to your castle. In other words, a violent Capture the Flag where the jail is only for the flag. However, it's not that simple. You see, when you cross the line in traditional Capture the Flag, you can't tag the enemy; they tag you. However, in "Fat Princess", when you cross the line, who cares which side tags who? It's war. You run around where you want, kill who you want on the opposing side and do what you will.
In this game, there are new modes that weren't in the original. For example, the Grim Reaper. In this mode, a maximum of eight players are placed in a ring. There will be a Grim Reaper killing everyone. The point of the game is to kill everyone as the Grim Reaper and the game will be over. Once the Grim Reaper is killed, a hat appears in the center of the stage. The first person to pick the hat up will be the Grim Reaper. Killing the Grim Reaper player won't drop a hat though. It just kills them. Another mode is called Soccer. It's pretty self-explanatory. You're on a soccer field with your soccer ball with your soccer team playing soccer team. Only, here's the thing. You can equip hats, kill and build like in the other modes of this game. So you can throw bombs at the guy with the ball to steal it. Or build stuff so they can't score as easily. Hilarity ensues and so does ragequit.
There's a story mode in this game that tells about the whole fat princess business. It's fifteen chapters long. The first few are like tutorial levels. So in case you don't understand gameplay and don't want to take it online or play a real game by yourself without being able to understand how to get resources OR read through the instruction booklet inside the game because that's boring, this is perfect for you. The latter half, it's all war and conquest and whatnot. Fun mode.
The online gaming is still around, play with guys near you using Ad-Hoc or play online for real with Infrastructure, that stuff. However, minus the voice chat, it just doesn't feel the same. However, with more stages and modes, it should balance out. Sort of.
Overall, I give the game four and one half-eaten slices of cake over five. Because silly take at Capture the Flag without all the yelling just doesn't seem to be the same as real Capture the Flag.

Ah, the cake. We love you. We adore you. We worship you.
ReplyDeleteFor $19.99, you are such a good bargain.
It costs as much as a real cake. Sort of. Depends on the cake.