The anime starts off with a Satsuki Manshita and her dyslexic younger brother, Keiichirou, moving into the home of their deceased mother and going to a new school. Just behind this new school is this old, haunted schoolhouse that no one bothered to demolish because it's so important. Why, I don't even know. Perhaps it's too important to demolish. Well, it's seen used as a storage time and time again by the teachers, so yeah. I suppose that's the importance of it.
So, Keiichirou "accidentally" takes his pet cat, Kaya, with him to school because he doesn't know anyone at school. Or maybe because everyone will make fun of him for his babbling noise when he starts crying (which makes me laugh; I know, horrible). I really have no clue. I think it's the latter. Kaya, being the cat he is, "curiously" enters the apparently haunted schoolhouse. Satsuki and Keiichirou, two boys, Hajime and Leo, and a very religious girl named Momoko enter the schoolhouse after the cat. Eventually, they find the cat after some unnecessary and low (but amusing nonetheless) jokes. There, they encounter their first ghost, Amanojaku, which they manage to seal… inside Kaya. So for the rest of the series, Kaya has the ability to talk like a human.
After about 18 ghosts, more unnecessary jokes, and roughly 360 minutes of Keiichirou's babbling noise, the gang reach the last episode alive and well. Throughout this episode, loads of stuff happen. And that stuff makes everything that happened prior to this episode seem pointless. Like everyone in the school (except the gang, surprisingly) being possessed all at once and the summoning of 20+ ghosts. Also, everything except the old schoolhouse just being thrown into a fiery pit. Of course, like in every other episode, Satsuki, the protagonist, seals the deity in some sort of object to force it into spiritual slumber. However, considering this ghost (and a few others) was able to break free from its spiritual sleep makes everything that ever happened in this anime more pointless. Considering this one can break other ghosts from their spiritual sleep.
Overall, I give this anime a 4/5. Despite the English dubs constantly poking jokes everywhere (and having Keiichirou's babbling noise whenever he cries), the story itself was weak. Sure, it had some backstory, but it wasn't sufficient. However, the comedy makes up for it. Even though half the jokes were just low. Still, if you want something comedic and horrible, watch this. I highly recommend it if you need a good laugh.
Note: The only episodes I recommend you watch are the 1st, 5th, 12th and 20th episodes. The 1st and 20th because they're relevant to the story, and 5th and 12th because they revolve around Keiichirou. There's something wrong with me if I like to laugh at this kid, but it's AWWW RIGHT.
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