Mega Man 2, the game that follows the original Mega Man and is followed by Mega Man 3, is a game that takes place in 199X (200X in the American release, I believe) where Dr. Light created a super robot, Mega Man, to stop Dr. Wily from using the Robot Masters he stole from Dr. Light to take over the world and whatnot. Because there's obviously no other use for eight Robot Masters than taking over the world. By the way, this is the second time this has happened.
Yeah, watch that. It'll make sense. Just enough so that you'd get it. If you still don't really get it… Too bad.
Anyways, Mega Man 2 is a great game for a NES/Famicon/Wii Ware game. I mean, seriously, what other Mega Man game are you going to play to find music that can equal or surpass Dr. Wily's Castle's first and second stages?
Sure, the game can be a little buggy here and there with the occasional disappearing sprites and lag and whatnot, but it's a great game nonetheless. The super fighting robot Mega Man retains all his controls from the previous game. Nothing new. Jump is jump, move is move, attack is attack, pause is pause. It's before slide was even invented! And I don't even know how to slide! It's just like the first game! And it doesn't even feel repetitive. Well. Not as much as this:
Of course, Mega Man games can feel repetitive since… well, they kinda are. But that's the point of the game. You gotta have Robot Masters. And there has to be 8. Or at least 8. One of the Mega Man Zero games gave us 12. 12 Robot Masters. And there's gotta be Wily. Wily has to be the bad guy. Or some insane doctor guy at the least. Or Sigma in the X series who's insane, but not a doctor.
I give this game a 5/5 E-Tanks. All because this game is so fun to play over and over again and the music is great.
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