Sunday, March 27, 2011

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - Part 5: Super Galaxy GORRON BENANN

Our friends' hopes and dreams are etched into its body; transforming the infinite darkness into light! Unmatched in heaven and earth, a machine equal to the gods! Super Galaxy GORRON BENANN! Now we're going to show you… The power… of HUMANS!

If only.

BEN meets the Deku Princess who, apparently, is portable enough to fit into one of BEN's bottles. Hilarious. In about some time later, BEN and the princess make it to the Deku Castle where the Deku Princess totally beats the living poo poo out of her father for locking up the monkey.

… Oh, there's a reward!? As if this couldn't get any better. Time to go grab it.

……… Oh. It's just a pig mask of 100% uselessness and 0% significance. asdfjkl;

Well, I suppose the next place to head to is the mountain of much ebuls. Which BEN can't reach. Due to some ice blocking the way. Time to go do some sidequests.

Oh, so there's a thief in town. Time to poke him in the rear with BEN's sword of power! Hah, BEN stopped the evil thief and obtained… Oh. It's just a bomb mask. At least it's more useful than the pig mask.

BEN also found a missing fairy. Time to return it to the Great Fairy of zero significance and get a mask. After getting this mask, BEN heads on over to the Woodfall Temple, to gather pink fairies. To get the Great Spin Attack. yaywhooyay.

Several hours later, BEN finally learns how to access the mountain: shoot arrows at a block of ice hovering over the other blocks of ice to shatter it. asdfjkl; the bombs, they do nothing. After traveling a little while, BEN finds himself in a very snowy environment. This will not end well.

A little ways off into the icy and snowy and depressing environment, BEN finds himself at the Goron Village with the rather frustrating Lens of Truth jumping game. Just to obtain the Lens of Truth. To see the ghost of Darmani, the Goron Hero. So that BEN can become Goron-BEN.

A short while later, BEN discovers how to use the hot spring in the cave and heals the Gorons of their frozen status ailment. However, upon getting lost and wasting an entire day healing an elder Goron of his frozen status, BEN gets tired and plays the Song of Times to return to the first day.


The first day begins and Tatl reminds BEN of the mountain. asdfjkl; Tatl Y U NO USEFUL. A few Majora time hours later, BEN plays the Song of Soaring and the Inverse Song of Time, the two most useful songs ever. From there, BEN redoes everything that happened in the snowy mountain. BEN then learns the Lullaby Intro from the senile Goron Elder. BEN then visits the Goron Elder's son and learns the Goron Lullaby… which makes every Goron fall asleep.

After learning the Goron Lullaby, BEN heads on to Snowhead, where a Biggoron who's sitting at the end of the road is blocking anything from entering, and plays the Goron Lullaby to put him to sleep. FOREVER. After adventuring inside the Temple for a bit, BEN soon realizes that it's absolutely hopeless to cross a broken bridge by rolling and gives up.

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