My apparently lolsy day. Scroll down to when I got home if you're not here to read any of this.
Saturday March 5th, 2011:
Day starts off at around 1 PM. I wake up and play some Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. After defeating a Barroth and 20 Vespoid-type monsters, I decided to start writing this post. I planned on getting sleep after this as I'm still drowsy. But since I'm already awake, I don't think getting back to sleep is an option for the next few hours.Rather than go to sleep, I decided to play OpenArena, a game I haven't tried out ever. Played on the Capture the Flag mode. It was all right. Haven't played a FPS ever on a laptop. Besides that one time I played Team Fortress 2 on a friend's laptop. After that, I idled for an hour. Or two. Maybe three. After idling, I decided to begin reading MS Paint Adventures's Homestuck. Continued this until around 5 and decided to wrap up whatever homework I had over the weekend. Because I'm obviously going to be crashing the following day. Upon finishing, watched Marik Plays Bloodlines again. Just noticed the name he used in the game is "Malik Blishtar."
At 6 PM, I took out the trash. I note this is the first time I went outside for the entire day. It was cool, but warmer than the past few weeks. I was a very happy campe--
I completely forgot geese around these parts are also happy campers and don't want to migrate ever. Like EVER. I hurried back into the security of my home.
Got on the IRC at 18:16 and checked stuff out. Took the opportunity to create the email account for Mafia VII and decided to revise several things.
It's now 19:44. Totally stoked for laser quest madness that shall arise in a mere THREE hours. THREE. IT WAS THREEEEEEEEEE. THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Decided to watch some videos on YouTube.
Discussed Mafia VII with DoorToNothing. We came to the conclusion that Suspicion serves no real purpose and is most likely used for an achievement like:
Achievement Unlocked: Most Suspicious Player of Game ##!
Really, what other use would Suspicion serve in a game of Mafia other than rack up votes for Lynching?
It's now 21:45 PM. Less than an hour to departure. I just found an ink pen on my desk. It wasn't here before. I sure hope it doesn't mean anything.
22:43. Heading out.
7:30 AM. Got home from laser tag and IHOP where the ice coffee and German Crepes SUCK. I'll tell you all about this stuff.
First game was a Solo game. In other words, free for all. 30 players shooting like mad. My friends and I. We all camped in the far left tower and shot any intruders. Sure, we'd shoot each other. Accidentally. But everyone else could just go far, far away and try to attack our impenetrable tower whether it be camp-snipe or head on assault.
Thirty minute intermission followed. Changed name from "HEAP" to "LAGANN." I only chose Heap in the first place so every time someone gets shot by me:
Mmmm whatcha saaaay
Mmmm that you only meant well?
Well, of course you did.
Next game started at 00:51. It was a Team Deathmatch sort of thing. Covered a friend of mine for the entirety of it. Didn't do as well because, well, team deathmatch. Too lazy to go out and find an enemy. And if I find them, I most likely get shot first then stalked. I ditched my friend so I could be an aggro. Like a cool kid.
Thirty minute intermission. Again.
Next game was… Oh, Team Base. Basically, you try to capture the enemy base. I aggro'd for half the game, then remembered that getting shot would reset the capturing. So I was basically griefing much of the time. Also got shooting lessons from a man who's apparently a pro at this sort of thing. And I forgot what I learned from him several minutes later because I really don't care. Once that game was over, "hater's gonna hate" walk.
Thirty minute intermission.
Next game mode was… OH GOD, HIGHLANDER. I hate this mode. Why? You're given, what, 15 lives, it's a free-for-all and EVERYONE'S RUNNING AROUND. The rules clearly state no running around. Got hit in the face once and tripped once. Could have been worse. Yeah. Highlander is like, beyond suckish. And so is the next game mode.
Thirty minute intermission.
Let's see, next game mode… Oh. Ride the Lightning. I really didn't like this one. Let me explain this mode to you. So there's three towers, one to the left, one in the middle and one to the right. You cannot shoot across towers or leave the tower to charge another tower. There are three teams: RED, GREEN, and MIXED. So what happened to me? I got stuck. In a tower with no GREENS. Yes. I was the ONLY GREEN in my tower. So I was shooting back some and then I thought, eh, giving up. Not worth it. Teams are randomized and sometimes you could end up as the only one on your team. Made a joke before the game started about how it was basically Team Highlander. Then it ended up mentioned in every other game after this one.
Why "Team Highlander?" Well, here's a pre-game discussion…
Marshal: You're supposed to eliminate all the other teams in YOUR tower!
Me: So it's basically Highlander. With teams.
Marshal: NO!
Me: Oh, okay.
Marshal: YES!
Me: Oh, so it is?
Marshal: NO!
Hilarity ensued.
Thirty minute intermission follows. Like always.
Next game mode was… the Elements mode. This one was particularly cool. Okay, so 32 players. Nine of them were the "elements." Elements are like, "immortal." You can't get rid of them. Everyone else was a furry forest creature. Who aren't "immortal." So they can go bye-bye. I was a furry forest creature who would tell people to rush right when the Elements were stunned. For half the game, the furry forest creature players would just run into a hole and hide there. Joked about this mode being Team Highlander as well.
The second to last game was an Aliens VS. Predators game. There are three teams. Green (Aliens), Red (Humans), and Mixed (Predators). What sucked was that a top player was a Predator. So it was like insane. Joked about it being Team Highlander. Again.
Last game mode was Solo. My friends and I just camped in a tower again. Then we got bored and shot each other in a circle. I really wanted to play a Queen Bee mode. Would've been fun.
Once that was all over, we went to IHOP, where their coffees and German Crepes SUCK, at 6:30 AM. Ate breakfast, left and came home.
End result: no asthma, but laser tag PTSD. I cannot unhear, unsee or unfeel.
Only way to cure PLTTSD (Post laser tag traumatic stress disorder) is to play more laser tag. At a higher frequency. In a smaller amount of time.
ReplyDeleteOr just go into hibernation for a week. That works too.