Saturday, March 26, 2011

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - Part 2: I'm on a boat!

… More Majora's Mask. You like? I bet you do. If you don't…

You shouldn't have done that…

This part starts off with the Happy Mask Man just begging BEN to take back the Majora's Mask. Who isn't given much of a choice either since he just says "Oh, you'll do it? Splendid." before you're even given a decision making screen. A few lines later, he just says BEN has to believe in himself. Not in the Happy Mask Man that believes in him. Not in the BEN that believes in the Happy Mask Man. But in the BEN who believes in BEN.

I suddenly find this game a lot like a certain anime series now.

BEN exits the tower and he is immediately thrown into a conversation with Tatl who recaps everything that's happened so far. Tatl. Tattling. asdfjkl;. And so she states the obvious by saying that the locations placed conveniently in 4 different locations in 4 different directions from the town. Very, very convenient. The first place we go is…


… the Swamp. That's placed in some random direction apparently. asdfjkl;, Tatl, you're so useless. BEN casts the Time Magic Slow on time so that he can waste more time on searching for the Swamp.

BEN exits the Clock Tower Town, and, a short distance off, he and Tatl come across a drawing of the Skull Kid on a tree that's apparently nostalgic to Tatl. She says it's graffiti from when they first met. This then flashbacks to something that's supposed to hold some sort of significance to the plot. Like how Skull Kid isn't all that big of a jerk. Or at least, wasn't. And how they just goofed around all the time.

… I wouldn't say stealing a kid's horse and dignity and a grown man's mask of power is exactly goofing off, but okay.

Okay, now that the game is back in normal time, BEN travels down to the swamp. Of evil. BEN then finds that the swamp isn't all that evil looking compared to the purple mountain with the ring of smoke near its peak. Heck, it even has a tour guide. Who doesn't do much. BEN is lost and asks the tour guide for some tips.

… as it turns out, Mr. Tour Guide is useless and doesn't help much. So what does little BEN do? First, he puts on the Deku Mask. Then, he hops around on the water. It's surprising how useful the Deku Mask is right now.

… Well, not really useful at all. BEN as himself could easily swim this.

… A little while later, BEN arrives at the Magic Potion shop, where he messes with the potions by jumping into a pot full of potion. Oddly enough, he doesn't take damage from it. At this, he enters the evil forest and finds a monkey who tells BEN to follow him. BEN follows and… wat. He ends up back at the entrance. Evil monkey. He follows again and this time comes across an old lady… bird on the ground. Who was beaten by the evil, evil, Skull Kid. Bad Skull Kid. No biscuit. Pay deduction. etc. Well, BEN really can't do anything about this so he heads back to the Potion shop.

At the Potion shop, BEN obtains a bottle full of Red Potion. Huzzah. It was very tempting to use the bottled potion on BEN's way to the old lady bird thing. But he succeeded. And didn't use the potion selfishly. And used it on the old lady bird thing. And so BEN got an empty bottle! This beats trying to get back some smelly old mask any day.

From here, BEN is now able to get on a boat and make like a tourist and visit the creepy Deku Castle. And so he does. But, as it turns out, in order to advance, some Magic Beans are needed. asdfjkl;. At this, BEN returns to the First Day and saves progress.

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