Sunday, March 27, 2011

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - Part 3: Nuts.

This is the story of a man who continues to fight fate. Last time, BEN was assaulted by the massive Deku army. Just what has become of him?

BEN wakes up on the first day after he played the Song of Time. From there, he tries to recap everything that's happened so far. The Deku Castle, the boats, etc. But first, Inverse Song of Time.

… BEN is now in the Deku Castle and is sneaking around the Metal Gear like environment. You know, I wonder if there has always been at least one sneaking quest in every Legend of Zelda game besides the first two. And in one of the caves, dun dun dun duuuuuh! Obtained Magic Beans! Now to head to the back entrance of the castle and plant them.

… after another series of jumps, BEN finally makes it into the Royal Chamber… or, to be specific, the monkey's cage end of the chamber. BEN talks to the monkey, tries to cut its ropes, fails, and learns the Sonata of Awakening. Shortly afterwards, BEN is thrown out of the castle and heads to the Woodfall Temple.

Along the way, Deku-BEN meets Mr. Owl who doesn't know how many licks it takes to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop and learns the Song of Soaring. Two songs in one day. This is the best day ever.

… BEN arrives at the Woodfall Temple a little while later and plays the Song of Awakening in front of it. And suddenly, a giant tree thing arises. BEN then ventures inside the evil dungeon. After about 24 hours in Majora time, BEN gets lost and plays the Song of Time, ragequitting.

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